Category Archives: articles
Equality Plan
As a result of labour discrimination caused by unequal treatment and opportunities between woman and...
Payment of social contributions to Denmark or Spain?
In Spain, the TGSS, Tesoreria General de la Seguridad Social requires that the director of...
Hiring a local employee in Spain
Several foreign companies try to hire employees in Spain outside the Spanish procedures and applicable...
New Spanish wealth tax on fortune applicable for the year 2022
On December 28, 2022, the Spanish government, via the Spanish BOE, published a law introducing...
Historical decision on the Spanish form 720 handed down by the European Court of Justice
Most tax-residents in Spain know or have heard of the Spanish Form 720 regarding the...
Talent, tax reliefs and other keys to the new Spanish start-up Law
The Spanish government has approved the proposal for the much expected Start-up law. The proposal...
Digital nomads
Digital solutions combined with the pandemic has meant an increase in so called international remote...
Spanish employment contracts
The Spanish labour system is know as rigid and Scandinavian companies operating in Spain often...
Spanish tax return for tax residents (IRPF) 2020
Scandinavian tax residents in Spain must file a Spanish tax return, re-gardless of the amount...
Spanish capital gain tax for tax residents year 2020
If you are a tax resident in Spain, on your Spanish tax return you must...