Lars Hovmand Mikkelsen
Partner, abogado & cand.jur.

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Lars Hovmand Mikkelsen
Partner, abogado & cand.jur.
+34 932 389 300
Work areas: Private, Corporate, Sports law
Lars Hovmand Mikkelsen has achieved solid experience with Danish and Spanish Law due to his Danish law degree and Spanish bar membership, giving him an extraordinary capacity to analyse international legal problems from both the Spanish and the Scandinavian side appearing when foreigners are confronted with Spanish Law.
He is often used as a speaker for Scandinavian business groups visiting Spain and he has participated as a mentor at the Danish entrepreneur bootcamp in Marbella called Seedster 8.0, www.seedster.dk.
Lars Hovmand Mikkelsen handles cases within most of our practise areas, but his main interest and experience is in the field of tax and sports law.
He is often used as a speaker for Scandinavian business groups visiting Spain.
Lars Hovmand Mikkelsen was one of the founding forces of the Danish Spanish Business Circle in Barcelona www.circulodanes.com.
He is also licensed as a FIFA Football Agent.
- Spanish attorney-at-law; Barmember number 31615 Illustre Collegi D´Advocats de Barcelona
- Players´ agent licensed by the Danish Football Association / FIFA.
- Danish law degree, University of Copenhagen
- Law studies, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Founding partner in Zafo Law
- Assistant attorney, law firm in Barcelona
- Delegated at the Central Tax Court in Denmark
- The Danish Business Circle in Barcelona
- The Swedish Spanish Trade Chamber in Barcelona
Publications and lecturing
- Lecturer on “International Inheritance” by the Danish Lawyers Association, Danske Advokater.
- Speaker for Scandinavian business groups in Spain.
- Articles on Spanish Taxation published in the Danish Tax Journal "Skat Udland".

Vicente Sebastián Ruiz
Partner, abogado, LL.M.

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Vicente Sebastián Ruiz
Founding Partner, Abogado (Spanish lawyer), LL.M., Insolvency trustee
+34 932 389 300
Work areas: Corporate, Litigation, Transport & Maritime law
Vicente Sebastián is Managing Partner of ZAFO LAW. He has extensive experience in litigation and corporate matters assisting Scandinavian entities in Spain. He also regularly advises banks, financial entities, corporations, insurance companies, etc.
He specializes in restructurings, distressed investments and insolvency, and advises all the parties involved when companies are in financial difficulty (i.e. debtors, company directors, creditors, receivers, etc.).
Vicente Sebastián has been a lecturer on Maritime Law at Barcelona Bar Association.
He is tax representative and secretary to the board of various Scandinavian subsidiary companies.
An interview with Vicente Sebastián can be read in this interview: http://lawyerpress.com/2019/05/14/vicente-sebastian-zafo-law-de-barcelona-escandinavia-tiene-un-gran-respeto-por-la-reputacion-de-las-empresas-espanolas-en-muchos-sectores/
- LLM, Universidad de Navarra.
- Abogado (Spanish Attorney-at-law) bar member number 24655 Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona.
- Spanish law degree, Universidad Central de Barcelona.
- Founding partner in Zafo Law
- Abogado, law firm in Barcelona.
- Abogado, Dutch / German law firm in Barcelona.
- The Danish Business Circle in Barcelona
- The Swedish Spanish Trade Chamber in Barcelona
Publications and lecturing
- Autor of the article "Schizophrenic jurisprudence" published in The Maritime Advocate.
- Lecture in Maritime Law at the Colegio de Abogado in Barcelona.

Olalla Castaño Monte
Tax Advisor

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Olalla Castaño Monte
Tax Advisor
+34 951 240 600
Work areas: Global Corporate Management, Tax Corporate, Tax Private
Olalla Castaño Monte has wide experience working with business administration and tax, and she is a member of our Global Corporate Management team handling tax declarations and accountancy as well as monthly reporting for foreign parent companies.
She joined Zafo Law in 2016 and has very quickly become an important part of our tax department for both corporate tax and private tax assisting our international clients in English.
- Master Corporate Tax, Instituto Europeo de Asesoría Fiscal
- Master Corporate Tax, Real Centro Universitario Escorial - Maria Cristina, Madrid
- University degree in Business Administration, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Madrid
- Tax Advisor, Zafo Law
- Tax Advisor, tax consultancy office in Marbella

Sofia Jiménez Troemel
Accounting assistant

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Sofia Jiménez Troemel
Accounting assistant
+34 951 240 600
Work areas: Global Corporate Management, Tax Corporate, Tax Private
Sofia Jiménez Troemel works in our Global Corporate Management with accountancy for Scandinavian companies and in our Tax Private area assisting private persons.
In Tax Private she prepares and presents the yearly tax return for non-resident persons, who own real estate in Spain. She is also handling application for Tourist licence, NIE number and various administrative expeditions.
She began in an internship at Zafo Law in 2017 and has become an integrated part of the team during 2018.
- Degree in Business Administration and Economy from the University in Málaga.
- Courses in accountancy and tax from Escuela de Prácticas en Asesoría Empresarial (EPAE).
- Accounting assistant ZAFO LAW
- Internship in ZAFO LAW

Amaya Benito Fernandez
Financial & Tax manager

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Amaya Benito Fernandez
Financial & Tax manager
+34 951 240 600
Work areas: Global Corporate Management, Tax Corporate
Amaya Benito is responsible for our department of accounting services. She specializes in accounting and taxes in our Global Corporate Management team, whereby she handles the part of this service consisting in monthly reports for foreign parent companies and filing of Spanish taxes and vat.
She also helps and advice in the preparation of periodic tax returns, including informative ones, resulting from the fulfilment of material and formal obligations of Companies.
She also has experience in advising on accounting matters, paying attention to and responding to any questions that may arise related to it, and in assisting and advising in the accounting closing operations for the year, with the preparation of the Annual Accounts for the year that must be submitted to the approval of the General Meeting and preparation of the necessary documentation for the purposes of the mandatory Deposit of Annual Accounts of the Company in the Mercantile Registry
- University Degree in Business Administration, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio en Madrid
- Financial & Tax manager, ZAFO LAW
- Similar position in a group of companies in León.

Francisco Coloma Llinares
Tax lawyer

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Francisco Coloma Llinares
Tax lawyer
+34 932 389 300
Work areas: Tax Private, Tax Corporate, Litigation
Francisco Coloma Linares is a tax lawyer and has experience working tax cases for both companies and private persons and their relations to the Spanish tax office. He is a part of our working areas Tax Private and Tax Corporate.
Francisco began working in Zafo Law in 2017 and he assists mainly Scandinavian individuals in tax related matters in Spain.
- Master in Business Tax Advice. Fundesem Business School, FBS, Alicante
- Master in Civil Procedure. Escuela Técnica Jurídica, Madrid.
- Master in Legal Advice of Company. Universidad ICADE in colaboration with Universidad de DEUSTO, Madrid.
- Abogado member number 119648 of Ilustre Colegio de Abogados i Madrid.
- Spanish lawyer, Universidad Cardenal Herrera, CEU, Valencia
- Tax lawyer, ZAFO LAW
- Taw lawyer, law firm in Alicante
- Tax lawyer, law firm in Madrid
- Asociación Española de Asesores Fiscales, AEDAF

Esmira Abdullaeva
B.A. Law Degree

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Esmira Abdullaeva
B.A. Law Degree
+34 932 389 300
Work areas: Private, Real Estate and Commercial and Civil Litigation
Esmira Abdullaeva holds a Bachelor Law Degree from University of Alicante. She is also a Judicial Translator and specialized in Civil, Commercial, Intercultural and International Mediation, both titles also acquired from University of Alicante.
Previously she has completed an internship in a Spanish Law firm. In addition, she has experience as a translator (both commercial business translations and legal translations), and as an English, Russian and Spanish teacher at a language school.
Esmira Abdullaeva began working at ZAFO LAW in 2021.
Bachelor´s Degree in Law (B.A.), University of Alicante
Specialization course in Civil, Commercial, Intercultural and International Mediation, University of Alicante
Course in Judicial Translation (English-Spanish, Spanish-English), University of Alicante.
- Trainee / Paralegal ZAFO LAW
- Collaborator - volunteer at University of Alicante Intellectual Property and Information Technology Project
- Commercial Translator, a multinational company in Alicante
- Judicial Translator and Legal Intern, law firm in Alicante
- Administrative assistant - Paralegal, Real Estate company in Alicante

Maria Sarrate Teixidó
Abogada (Spanish lawyer)

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Maria Sarrate Teixidó
Abogada (Spanish lawyer), Chief Compliance Officer
+34 932 389 300
Work areas: Company law, Commercial contracts, Global Corporate Management
Maria Sarrate has large experience with Spanish Corporate Law in an international scope advising foreign parent company. She also assists with agency contract, employment contract for director and agreements between owners of a Spanish company.
Throughout her professional life, she has represented both national and international clients and has provided advice on business acquisitions, restructuring processes of groups of companies and planning of structures with international implications. Specialist in the preparation of shareholder agreements and advice in general to Scandinavian companies.
Through her experience in the insurance sector, she also has relevant knowledge about liability insurance for administrators and boards of directors in Spanish companies.
She has been a speaker at ZAFO LAW seminars on matters of shareholder agreements and responsibility of administrators and directors, as well as she has participated in articles in DESK (Spanish-Danish Chamber of Commerce) magazine. Maria Sarrate has developed part of her professional career in Copenhagen.
- Bilingual correspondent Danish-Spanish, Business School Copenhagen, Denmark
- Abogada bar member number 26788 Illustre Collegi D´Advocats de Barcelona
- Lawyer, Universidad de Barcelona.
- Abogada at ZAFO LAW
- Responsible production deptartment, Insurance Brokerage, Barcelona
- Abogada, law firm en Barcelona
- Supervisor, International Health Insurance Danmark A/S, Denmark
- The Danish Business Circle in Barcelona
- The Swedish Spanish Trade Chamber in Barcelona

Rosa Maria Castaño Rojo
Abogada (Spanish lawyer)

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Rosa Maria Castaño Rojo
Abogada (Spanish lawyer)
+34 932 389 300
Work areas: Employment law, Real Estate, Global Corporate Management
Rosa Castaño has specialized experience within Spanish employment law both in contracting situation and in relegation. She has wide experience handling the Spanish public authority "seguridad social", where she is handling registration and cancellation of workers and companies. Apart from employment law Rosa Castaño is also a member of our Global Corporate Management group as well as collaboration with our real estate legal team.
- Personnel Administration Program in Human Resources, EADA Barcelona
- Abogado (Attorney-at-law) Bar member number 33508 Illustre Collegi D´Advocats de Barcelona
- Lawyer, Universidad de Burgos
- Attorney-at-law, ZAFO LAW
- Specialized Attorney, department Human Resources, International Company in Barcelona
- Opinion article on employment matters and conciliation in DESK (Danish Hispanic Chamber of Commerce).

Pedro de Andrés Jordá
Abogado (Spanish Lawyer)

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Pedro de Andrés Jordá
Abogado (Spanish Lawyer)
+34 965 929 709
Work areas: Real Estate, Litigation
Pedro de Andrés has his Bachelor law degree from Universidad de Alicante and a Master’s degree in Transport Law from Universidad Jaume I Castellón. Additionally, he has completed postgraduate studies in international commerce from Fundesem Business School. He has a wide range experience on Real Estate advice, and he also regularly advises foreign clients. He has previously worked at a law firm in Alicante for 15 years and bank consultant specialized in assisting banks issues and litigation.
Pedro de Andrés began working at Zafo Law in march 2022.
Postgraduate studies in international commerce, Fundesem Business School.
Master of law degree in Transport Law, Universidad Jaume I Castellón.
Bachelor law degree, Universidad de Alicante
- Abogado at Zafo Law
- Abogado, law firm en Alicante.